Author Topic: How to do daytime weaning...  (Read 838 times)

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How to do daytime weaning...
« on: January 05, 2011, 17:10:15 pm »
DD is now 8 months, and I've got to go back to work at the beginning of Feb :(.

Unfortunately she's had the nasty flu bug that's been going round for about 2.5 weeks now. She's still very snotty and uncomfortable. (I got her checked at the doc's this morning and they said it's just a question of waiting it out).

Before she was sick, she was making a pretty good start on BLW, and she can drink out of various bottles and feeder cups. She's definitely got the idea of drinking, and will have both water and formula milk. However she generally won't have more than about 2 oz at a time, even if she's really hungry. She'll hold out for her boob feed, which she normally has in a darkened room before her nap. (Yes I know  :-\)

I will be out between around 8 am and 6 pm when I start back at work. She often won't bf before 8 am if she's had a night feed. (I may try and wean her off that too when she's better).

So when she's better - hopefully very soon - I need an action plan. I'm torn between:

1. Offering bottles / cups every couple of hours and hoping that she'll sort of get enough to get her through the day, until I get home.

2. Trying to officially replace her booby milk feeds (the ones before her naps) with expressed / formula milk / mixture, in the bf chair in a darkened room. I think there may be significant resistance to this, but would it be worth the effort??

Sorry for such a long post. I'd be very interested in your opinions.

Many thanks!


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Re: How to do daytime weaning...
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 21:00:32 pm »
Hi! :)

Have you had a look through our weaning FAQ? Might be something for you there.
I think either of your options could work well, it's maybe more of a personal choice. Perhaps some other mamas can share their experiences too.. One thing to keep in mind too is that you need to wean yourself from those feeds too if you do choose to drop one or more feeds completely. Stopping suddenly isn't a good idea :-\
If you decided to keep the feeds on days when you're at home, would you be able to pump at work at all? If so, you could save what you pump and have that fed to her when you're away from her.
"Very Proud Mummy Blessed with 3 Spirited Girls"

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