LO is now 13.5 months and after a couple of bad months with lots of teething, starting nursery, illness, jabs and other excitement like birthdays and Christmas, she has just recently become really cheery and
seems to need more A time as we've had lots of nap refusal lately. However, I'm not convinced it's all under tiredness as she's usually quite susceptible to getting OT. On the other hand, it's very rare for her to refuse naps due to overtiredness. She's normally just glad to get the sleep!
Anyway - a couple of questions... Does nap length still indicate UT / OT at this age? I still kind of use it but not sure if I'm over analysing and therefore confusing things? She has virtually no sleepy cues and would happily play all day, in a lovely mood if she's kept up. The only way I know she's OT is cos she gets a bit touchy and NWs start creeping in.
Second question - is anyone up for trying to help me work out what's going on with her? I keep wondering if it's time to consistently try for one nap, as switching between one and two is confusing things. I could do with some help over a few days, if OK? I will start with yesterdays and toodays EASY and if anyone thinks they can help, please do!!! A times after a good night sleep, while she was going through the teething / illness / starting nursery months were around 4 - 4.5 hours I think.
Woke @ 8.15 after 13 hours sleep. The 2 days before this we'd had an AM nap refusal, and then a PM nap refusal respectively.
A: 4hr 15
S: 2hr 45
A: 4hr
Bedtime: 7.15ish
Slept just under 12 hours.
Woke @ 7.10
A: 5hr 15 (tried putting her down after 4hr 35 A time and she screamed (whilst rubbing her eyes) for 40 mins. I used WI/WO to get her to settle. She looked like she was about to fall asleep in the buggy after just 3hr 50 A time but we got home just as her eyes were shutting so no sleep.
S: 1hr 20
A: 4hr 40 (Actually was aiming for 4 hrs, but we were out and it all went wrong!)
Bedtime: 6.30pm
We'll see how tonight goes.....
Thanks in advance for any help!