Author Topic: Bad eating habits while sick?  (Read 986 times)

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Bad eating habits while sick?
« on: January 07, 2011, 14:19:56 pm »
DD (21 months) has ben sick and miserable all week with a cold. She hasn't had much of an appetite and the only way I could get her to eat was on my lap in front of TV  ::) Also she didn't want to eat much except tinned sausages and biscuits  :o The problem is I'm worried these habits will stick once she's better. I tried to put her in her chair to eat today and she just screamed until I got her out (she still is a bit sick so I didn't insist). She's lately developed the habit of taking me to the fridge and pointing to what she wants. Will this lead to fussy eating? I know how manipulative they can get at this age! I try to get her to eat healthily and she hasn't been too fussy so far... What should I do to keep good eating habits?


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Re: Bad eating habits while sick?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 15:39:51 pm »
Mine is a bit younger, but I find that he nearly goes off food entirely when he's sick. ::)  The truth is that as long as she's getting enough fluids, don't let it stress you out too much.  I would try to stick to your eating routine/rules as much as possible, but if she's really miserable I wouldn't push it.  You can readjust when she's feeling better.  That's my strategy, anyhow.

I hope she gets better soon!

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Re: Bad eating habits while sick?
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 18:33:14 pm »
Same here.  Last two weeks were brutal.  I let him eat anything he would and kept offering fluids.  And he could eat wherever he wants too.  That's how I feel when I'm sick so I offer the same rules to him :-)

It's tough isn't it.

And this week we are back to him eating fairly normally, at the table, etc.  So I wouldn't worry about the aftermath.

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