Author Topic: Sudden Fear of High Chair - 21 Mos  (Read 994 times)

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Sudden Fear of High Chair - 21 Mos
« on: January 07, 2011, 16:59:19 pm »
Help!  My ds has had a tough few weeks with flu, diaper rash, shots, etc.  We have also had two incidents with our chairs in the kitchen.  We have an island counter top with higher chairs that we have strapped in a travel high chair to.  Once he fell off while making a snack with his dad and big sis, and once he pulled over the chair that has his high chair attached to it while trying to climb up.  No injuries, but it certainly made a loud noise.  Now, a few days/weeks since the incidents and illnesses, he is all of a sudden terrified of sitting in his chair.  He asks for cuddles, says it's "scary", and just freaks out!!   Mealtime is so tough when it's always been a pleasure, and it's especially tough when it's just me with the two kids.  We also do a lot of art stuff with him in his chair, and he's not comfortable with that either.  I used to be able to get stuff done during art and snack time!!!  How can I get him comfortable in his chair again? 

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Re: Sudden Fear of High Chair - 21 Mos
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2011, 21:21:25 pm »
Sorry you haven't had a reply so far, hon. 

I'd try gentle reintroduction.  Use techniques to the ones Tracy suggested with getting LO's to go back into their cot. 
Other suggestions:
- "wash" the scary off the chair together with some scented water in a spray bottle
- get a new travel high chair for him to use
- put a high chair "lovey" for him so he can hold it when he's scared.  A receiving blanket, a soft toy or something similar

Hopefully there is something there that might help.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

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Re: Sudden Fear of High Chair - 21 Mos
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 02:50:39 am »
Thank you SO much for your reply.  I am pulling my hair out!  He is still petrified, and has been able to communicate "boom" and "scary" so I'm pretty sure that somehow the memory of the chair falling came back a week or two after it happened (coincidentally the same day he got his shots :)

He's sitting in his chair for seconds/minutes, and is better after some food in his belly, but for the most part he is eating on my lap.  Great habit to start!!!!  I will try your tips and see if they work.  Thank you for those.  In the meantime, if any one else has experience with conquering a sudden fear, I would love to hear about it!

PS.  There is a good chance that his 2 yr molars might be giving him some trouble, too.  Very edgy.  Bring it on!!!!