Author Topic: my 2.5 yr old wont eat breakfast+should i cut my 1yr olds bottle out too?  (Read 2035 times)

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my 2.5 year old has always had a 6oz bottle in the morning and same at night up until recently. shes started pre school so i decided maby shes as well eat breakfast instead but im having a hard time to get her to eat and she goes to pre school hungry and the teacher (my sister) has to take her aside and give her a youghurt or something else.
is their anything i can do to get her to eat her breakfast??

my 2nd question is for my 14mth old. he has a 7oz bottle in the morning and the same at night. he LOVES his bottle with a passion and now im wondering if i should cut his morning one out now too in case he ends up not eating his breakfast too. he does eat it at the moment but im afraid he will end up like his sister.
what should i do?

thanks in advance x

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I'd let your little one have her milk in a cup with, or after, her breakfast. If she won't eat toast/cereal, would she have a banana?

With the little one, I wouldn't worry about it so much if he's still eating his breakfast, but maybe it would be easier for DD if DS had milk in a cup (he would have a sippy, obviously) with breakfast too?

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I'm with Anna.
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thanks for your replies.
i will try milk with breakfast but i know she wont eat any food then. she would prob eat 2-3 mouthfuls of banana. she does eat youghurts but dont like her always eating them if you know what i mean...

as for my little boy not sure about the sippy idea. he loves his bottle bigtime. suppose no harm to try it.

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Why not try milk after breakfast then?

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se wont eat it to begin with if you know what i mean...

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Oh ok I though from your post that you were saying that she doesn't eat breakfast because she fills up on milk. Well if she's not hungry at breakfast that's fair enough but then she prob doesn't need milk at breakfast either?

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no yeah thats right, she will only take her bottle. she wouldnt bother with food with her bottle or after it, and i dislike sending her into school with the idea of her not eating until 11am. my sister whos works their says its fine and she can have something when she goes into school but none of the rest of the kids do this. she gotten very clingy to me since starting school. im getting lots of hugs and cuddles and feel even worse for takin her bottle off her. shes such a sweetheart :)

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Does she have a lovey or other special item that she gets comfort from? As long as she has that you can work on ditching that bottle. She may be holding out and not eating breakfast b/c she's hoping you'll give in and give her the bottle. Once she's at school she figures she can eat b/c it has no effect on bottle or no bottle. 2.5 year olds are really smart! I bet if you kept offering her breakfast and only a small amount of milk in a sippy cup during or after breakfast she'd eventually start eating. My DD can down breakfast AND a full sippy of milk in the morning just fine. How far is the trip to nursery? You could try providing a breakfast snack on the way and maybe she wouldn't view it as the formal breakfast. Something like a granola bar, dry cereal, apple slices. Something you can put into a container and let her take with her????

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TBH I'd give her the yoghurt and a small amount of banana if she's taking it with no fight.  It's healthy and gives her nutrition to start her day.
8) I BFd a combined total of 4y, 1m & 1d

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Re: my 2.5 yr old wont eat breakfast+should i cut my 1yr olds bottle out too?
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2011, 09:23:09 am »
I agree with previous post

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