Author Topic: Lunch skipping at day care has turned into a night time milk fest! help!!  (Read 915 times)

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Offline Austin's mom

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My 13 month old is normally a good eater, but we have had molars cutting and sickness for the past few weeks, which I think have created some bad habits. He is finally healthy and on a break between teeth, so finally eating great breakfast and dinner meals, but the past 4 days, he has been refusing all lunch at day care out of no where. apperiently he is being extremely picky on the snacks they give him too.

Anyway, long story short, even with a good breakfast at home and a good size high protein/fat dinner, he is consuming 3-4 cups of milk, between bed time at 7ish and 1/3 am. At this age, that is nothing but rediculous. Yesterday I resorted to trying a bottle of pediasure to attempt to make up the lost calories from lunch, but didnt have any luck. He was still up for 4 cups. (I am exhausted!!) Oh and these extra 3 are in addition to the normal 3-4 he normally drinks a day with each meal.

Any idea what in the world I should do? I've worked hard to have a good sleeper and dont want that wreaked because he is having some wierd food thing!

Offline Colin Macs Mom

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Bumping up for you - but I can tell you that as long as you are giving the milk at night he will keep waking for it. I personally would just cold turkey it and his appetite will return. :)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o