My spirited DD has been a great sleeper for the past year or so but more recently she cries every night when we walk out of her room.
The other night she woke at 2.30am and couldn't get back to sleep for hours so DH slept on the floor in her room from 5am so we could all get some sleep.
She recently stopped at my mums house and apparently didn't sleep till 1am and then woke at 5am and my mum is so soft, she ended up letting her watch tv in the night!
Not surprisingly we had hell to pay the following night with her screaming and telling us she wanted to come downstairs but we got her back into her routine quick enough but now we're having issues again.
She doesn't say she's scared when we walk out the room but during the day she's constantly telling us that she's scared of various noises/people and as we finish reading her story, you can see her getting anxious looking around and then she sits up and starts to cry.
I've tried going back in and comforting her but the only thing that seems to work is being very firm and telling her to stop crying and go to sleep!
I was wondering if anyone has experienced similar issues and if you can suggest anything so we don't have her crying every bedtime?