Yeah I think the thing is at some age they tend to just do a normal night regardless of OT, even if they have some NW. So when we have a short nap we may move bedtime by 15 mins never really more than 1/2 hr because we do get an EW usually. He just doesn't do more than 10.5 hrs on a regular day, OT or not. If he's ill or something maybe we stand a chance but otherwise forget it.
So it depends on how sure you are that Austin is going to take that opportunity to add to his night sleep or if he's just going to do a regular night or, gasp, a shorter night. I think OT just cleans itself up in a few days if you stick to routine. I always fall back on routine as being the one thing that we have in our pocket. Without it we are just flailing and guessing really.
That said, if you think he's going to lose his mind by 6 p.m. then by all means put him down. I always gauge it on behaviour and whether *I* can cope or not lol
I just find that sometimes natural body rhythms and body clock play a larger part than A times for the most part. Like I know that I can be really tired, I mean probably overtired, but I still can't really go to bed at 7. I mean I want to...but I can't. The earliest I can get to sleep really is 9 - which is slightly less than 1 hr before my normal sleep time. And most nights I can only go to bed 1/2 hr earlier because it's just what my body knows and wants. I think the same can be true for our kids, they just know when their melatonin starts kicking in and telling them it's time for bed.
If Finn did a shorter nap like that BUT was up at 7 that morning I would have no issues sticking to a 12 hr day. I'd aim to have him asleep by 7.
I don't know if what I am saying is helpful or daredevil lol But that's just me.