Hello everybody,
I think my LO is experiencing some SA when I put him in his crib to play. He's 13 months old, and, before 11 months, his crib was a place where I could leave him to play, also for half a hour or more, with me in another room. He simply loved to stay there.
From about 1-1.5 months, when I put him in the crib and walk in another room he stands up, jumping and crying desperately. I have to stay close to the crib and try to make him playing and not looking always to me. When I moved away (not in another room) he stands up and jumps, but if he can see me and if he realizes that I'm busy in another thing and I'm not looking to him, he starts playing again few moments, then stands up and to control if I'm still there, then starts playing again... I am not sure if I'm doing the right thing. He's a very determined child, and I am not sure if this behavior is really SA, or, after starting as SA, he simply realized that crying is a good method to impose me to stay close. During the night, he sleeps in his crib, and in the last few weeks he slept through, so I guess he does not feel fear for the place. I was advised to go in another room for few mins, and then go back to him for a while and then go away again... just to let him know that if I go in another room it is not I've gone. But when I tried to leave, he screamed, so I'm afraid to do it. I often play peek-a-boo, but this doesn't seem to help. What do you suggest? Should I continue staying close to him while he's playing until he's leave me go away, or should I try to move away for few mins, even if he's crying?