Author Topic: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??  (Read 2068 times)

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Offline mummy of 3 littlies

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5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« on: January 13, 2011, 09:12:40 am »

my DS is nearly 8 weeks old and for the past couple of weeks has been waking up between 1-2am most days but every morning at 5:30am nearly on the dot!!  :o
im not sure if this is the right forum or not however....
when he wakes at 5:30 hes not hungry but he is grizzling and grunting a lot in hos crib like he is tying to push out a number 2.
Is this a habit now or is there something that i can give him to help with his tummy pains?

Please help, im exhausted!  :(

Offline LeeLeeMelis

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2011, 11:20:49 am »
From my experience, at 8 weeks it's hard to adjust much as far as sleep goes. They change so quickly and so do their sleep habits!  Dont be afraid to let him lay there if he's just grumbling around and not crying a lot. If he does go #2 just change him and put him back in his crib  and encourage sleep like you usually do (song, pat/shhh, etc.) Mylicon is the only thing I would say if it is gas.

Is there anyone who can give you a hand so you could sleep a couple mornings and catch yourself up?  I'm waking at 5:30 most days with my 2.5 year old so I can relate (I'm also preggers).  Hang in there, at this young they'll have a growth spurt soon so it'll change it all again. SLEEP WHEN BABY SLEEPS (if you can of course):-)

Offline mummy of 3 littlies

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2011, 09:31:00 am »
hi, thanks for your quick reply :) 

Last night i let him grizzle for about 1/2 hour then he got quite unsettled so i got him up to burp him. |i was doing the bicycle with him and he released a lot of wind so think he had bad cramps. he hasnt passed for a few days now so maybe he is constipated?? after that he woke again brieftly and went back to sleep until 5am!!  :o i fed him but then between 5:30-6 he was very upset again with cramps....   :(

is mylicon like gaviscon?

Oh dear you poor thing!! how far along are you? congrats  :) its hard for me to sleep as i have a 3 year old also  :-\

thanks again x

Offline LeeLeeMelis

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 19:56:58 pm »
I am 20 weeks along and actually feeling really well, as long as I get my rest of course:-)

I cant tell you from experience if Mylicon is like gaviscon as I've only used Mylicon. I'd just call the pharmacy, they are usually pretty good to answer those types of things over the phone.

I'd say he could be constipated, are you nursing or bottle feeding? It's nothing to worry about if they havent gone #2 after a couple of days but it does sound like that is the issue. Hopefully by the time you've read this (sorry I hadnt checked BW for a couple of days) he's dropped a good one for you. Keep the bicycle kicking and burping before feeding. It'll settle itself out!

Offline mummy of 3 littlies

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2011, 19:47:56 pm »

Sorry I've taken so long to reply...

Hope you are feeling well  :)
Over the past wee while DS has had some inmprovement  ;D we are getting plenty of smiles and giggles now!
he is going until 7am for a feed an yes i am breast feeding him but my DH gives him a bottle of formula for the dreamfeed. he is still stirring at around you think maybe we dropped that feed too early?? I'm not too sure because when he gets the dummy he often will settle and go back to sleep but some morning s he will be unsettled for a while with a wriggly tummy? ???

During the day he is all over the place with his naps. he will fall asleep now on his own after maybe a few mins of grizzling then wake an hour after and struggles to get himself back to sleep again. I have been trying to settle him around 45 mins of A time. he may wake 2-3 time during 1 nap...i am trying not o use the dummy so much to put him back to sleep but find that shhh/pat doesnt work too well?

Offline mmom

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 01:01:06 am »
Hi, I am going to move you to the EASY board.  A lot of times EWs are a routine issue. 

I know you said naps are all over the place, but can you post your EASY from the past couple of days?  Maybe there is some tweaking we can help you with. :)

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 04:43:00 am »
Hi there-

Would love to see your EASY log to see if anything pops out.

Have you looked at possible MSPI or have you tried block feeding?  Sometimes BF babies can get upset tummies from a hind milk/fore milk imbalance and block feeding can help that which in turn will help with their sleep.  Same thing with MSPI (I was blessed with both issues)

Some of this info may help
or this link


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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 17:05:27 pm »
following along :)

Offline mmom

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 17:25:31 pm »
I read this quickly the 1st time and missed the tummy part. :-[  Sarah posted some good links though.  Have you looked at them?

Offline mummy of 3 littlies

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2011, 21:53:23 pm »
thanks so much for all the replys!!

i looked at the posts...thank you Sarah  :)
I think it is definately a fast let down especially in the mornings when my breasts are fairly full, i can tell its this because i sometimes feel pain in both breasts when the let down reflex comes...reading about the block feeding...i am quite confused about this?? My breasts are quite large so like to feed off both each feed to keep them more even in size so not sure how block feeding would work for me? i often do the feeding 'uphil' which helps and also latch on and wait for the reflex then let it leak spray into a muslin.

Mylast 24hours of easy is as follows

E 7pm
S 7:20
fussy around 3, cooing away around 5-5:30, 6-6:30 was quite restless, was putting the dummy in ALOT!!

E 7am
A 7:20
S 8:10
twice i had to quickly out in the tummy to settle him

E 10:10
A 10:25
S 11
slept on and off as we were running errands (in & out of the car/shops)

E 1:30
A 1:50
S 3:00
woke up really unsettled and had to rock back to sleep

E 5
A 5:25
E 6:50 (soo tired)
S 7:10 (konked!!!!)  :)

Today i kinda started on the 3.5 hour easy but got a lil confused at dinner time after the 5pm feed....where do i do a CN? will take a look now...but any advice will be much apreciated  :-*

This morning we had our 3 month check up and DS is thriving...he has doubled his birth weight! PHN said that all 4 eye teeth are really inflamed so have given him 2 lots of neurofen. She said that this could also be a reason he is unsettled with his tummy, because i hadn't noticed the teething his digestion system and anus would all be inflamed also!!  :-[

any thoughts on this??

thanks again guys.

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2011, 23:34:54 pm »
So the block feeding will help your LO by him getting more of the hind milk.  The fore milk is higher in sugar and tends to make LO's very gassy.  It is good you are letting some of it squirt out after your letdown reflex.  It would take a few days for both sides to even out, but they then would just produce for the side that needed the milk...hard to explain as I am not an LC, but I do know it works from experience.  The fore milk imbalance caused a lot of sleeping issues for us.

Here is a link that might help you with your routine

So far as the teething goes, are you asking if you should be seeing these symptoms or you are seeing these symptoms? Sorry I think I am a little confused

You still are very young and a perfect EASY does not always happen just yet.  I am thinking something with discomfort is still your problem

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Re: 5:30AM wakings EVERY day??
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2011, 01:43:56 am »
Also found this link that may help you