thanks so much for all the replys!!
i looked at the posts...thank you Sarah

I think it is definately a fast let down especially in the mornings when my breasts are fairly full, i can tell its this because i sometimes feel pain in both breasts when the let down reflex comes...reading about the block feeding...i am quite confused about this?? My breasts are quite large so like to feed off both each feed to keep them more even in size so not sure how block feeding would work for me? i often do the feeding 'uphil' which helps and also latch on and wait for the reflex then let it leak spray into a muslin.
Mylast 24hours of easy is as follows
E 7pm
S 7:20
fussy around 3, cooing away around 5-5:30, 6-6:30 was quite restless, was putting the dummy in ALOT!!
E 7am
A 7:20
S 8:10
twice i had to quickly out in the tummy to settle him
E 10:10
A 10:25
S 11
slept on and off as we were running errands (in & out of the car/shops)
E 1:30
A 1:50
S 3:00
woke up really unsettled and had to rock back to sleep
E 5
A 5:25
E 6:50 (soo tired)
S 7:10 (konked!!!!)

Today i kinda started on the 3.5 hour easy but got a lil confused at dinner time after the 5pm feed....where do i do a CN? will take a look now...but any advice will be much apreciated

This morning we had our 3 month check up and DS is thriving...he has doubled his birth weight! PHN said that all 4 eye teeth are really inflamed so have given him 2 lots of neurofen. She said that this could also be a reason he is unsettled with his tummy, because i hadn't noticed the teething his digestion system and anus would all be inflamed also!!

any thoughts on this??
thanks again guys.