Author Topic: Milk Allergies?  (Read 1230 times)

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Offline jolerie

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Milk Allergies?
« on: January 15, 2011, 00:11:19 am »
Hi Everyone,

LO has recently switched to mainly formula feeding.  He seems to have developed eczema.  It developed on his arms and face first.  We got that cleared up with some rigorous creaming and moisturizing, but now it seems to be popping up on his back.  It seems like it disappears from one area, its popping up in another...
He seems to always have had sensitive skin since he also had baby acne when he was younger.  He doesn't have any other symptoms that indicate a milk allergy and is a pretty happy baby that sleeps through the night from 7-10 with a feed and then from 11 to 7 he sleeps through.  He does not seem unhappy after a feeding so it doesn't look like its upsetting his stomach as far as I can tell.
Should I be concerned about a milk allergy or do you guys think it is most likely just sensitive skin as we live in the north and it is extremely dry right now in the middle of winter.  I am hesitant to switch and try soy formula if it turns out he doesn't have an allergy and I just mess up with this digestive system for now reason..

Thanks for any advice or input!!

Offline jolerie

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Re: Milk Allergies?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2011, 00:16:21 am »
Sorry just additional note to clarify...the stuff on his back doesn't look like the eczema that was on his face and arms.  It's more small and scattered and just red with a very tiny raised bump in the middle. (The stuff that broke out on his face and arms looked more concentrated and many small bumps in one area...) It doesn't look dry or scaly yet....unless that happens later. 

Thanks again!


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Re: Milk Allergies?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 02:35:55 am »

How is your LO doing now?  Honestly, if it's just the skin irritation, than i would just keep an eye on it and not assume an issue with dairy.  If he starts getting fussy, gassy, loose stools, hives, allergy shiners (deep purple-ish circles under the eyes), congestion, trouble sleeping, etc, then we can take a look at his diet.  But it sounds like something environmental.....dry weather?  The soap in the bath, laundry detergent...etc....

((((hugs))))  :-*

Offline jolerie

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Re: Milk Allergies?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2011, 22:01:20 pm »
So far it seems to be just a skin irritation and it is definitely better than it was when he first started getting it.  And he has not exhibited any other symptoms. I think it's just me being a first time mommy and anything different is a cause for concern.  ::) Need to learn to let go and just enjoy the little one and not jump to conclusion at everything..haha.

Thanks again for your concern!  :D


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Re: Milk Allergies?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2011, 02:31:27 am »
Oh, so glad to hear that!

Yes, definitely enjoy your LO, but if you are anything like me the worrying doesn't stop!   ;D