Thanks for the response! I actually started the day we got back from the hospital because my LO had mistakened day for night and was up all night and sleeping all day. I followed the routine in the book where Tracy says when she robs day for night to cluster at 5 and 7 and DF at 11 and to feed every 3 hours and nap 1 1/2 hours.
My schedule looks something like the EASY for four week olds in the book except of course much shorter because the A never lasts for longer than 15-20 minutes. I know I'm expecting a lot from my LO and I have so many questions. My sister had recommended the BW book to me and I follow it like a bible. I really would like to start my day at 7:00 however so does that mean if she wakes at 6:00 and I feed her I should put her right back down and wake to feed her at 7:00 then?