Cant seem to get these feeds extended. LO is EBF but its not that she's yelling with hunger thats the issue, its the short naps! She feeds, she has A then she has a short nap. She has more A then is tired so I feed her ( usually on the 3 hour mark if I can make it sometimes before...) and put her down. She wont go down unless she has a full tummy. Its more EASAES....
Just wondering how anyone actually does this when they have chosen not to extend naps and just let it take its course. Hoping she'll come out the other side of the short naps after 4 months or so but just dont know how to otherwise spread my feeds out in the day. When she does take a good nap and we get to 3.25-3.5 hours she feeds much better. She's a fully fledged independant sleeper, no AP works.
ps this may need to be moved to BF'ing?