My DS just turn 8 mos last week. He is formula fed and eats 3 solid meals a day. He's a textbook/angel baby, so most days (except when he was teething last week) go just like this.
Awake time between naps throughout day is 2 hr 45 min - 3 hrs.
His schedule looks like this:
7am - wakes, plays in crib
730 am - eats 6 oz bottle
8:30 - 9 am eats 3.5 oz of baby food
930 - 10 am - down for a nap. Usually sleeps about 1 hr 20 min - 1 hr 30 min
1130 am - eats 6 oz bottle
1230 - 1 pm - eats 1/2 jar of baby food (approx 2 oz)
130 - 2 pm - back down for afternoon nap. Again, nap is about 1 hr 30 mins
330 pm - eats 6 oz bottle
5-6 pm eats cereal (3oz fomula, 3 scoops cereal)
*May take a cat nap either before, or after the cereal, or may not take on at all if seems in a good mood.
7 pm - bath started, 6 oz bottle, then in crib by 730, asleep usually by 745.
He then sleeps until the next morning
Hope this helps