So glad I found this ds is just a little over 8 months and I'm struggling with how to fit in his BF/EBM feeds and longer A times. So it's good to see all these routines. We still have 1-3 NW, depends on the night, but they are really short.
Typical day lately goes like this (we still have days where T needs a catnap about 530-6:00, but that seems to result in a very late bedtime around 9:30 so we're avoiding that!):
6:30 wake up
7:00 E 4-8 oz or BF if I'm home
8:00 solids
9:30/10:00 Nap (about 1.5 hours)
11:00 E 2-4 oz
12:00 solids
2:00/2:30 Nap (about 1.5 hours)
3:00/3:30 E 2-4 oz
5:30 BF when I get home from work
6:30 pj, books and asleep by about 6:45/7:00