oh no for the bad night!!!
Did Matty eat a whole lot? Probably the food is so greasy compared to your homecooked meals. i absolutely can't stand average sushi!!
But then it's the company you're enjoying instead.
I don't have a slow cooker and I am not sure if I want to get one as we now have very limited counter top space, with bread machine and rice cooker. But the rice cooker has the SC function but it's not very big. I'm wanting to reorganise the kitchen since I can't cook most of the stuff I used to make, like stirfries, etc, since DS just can't stand the waiting knowing that something yummy is in the making! He gets very worked up and I just can't do the cooking properly with a whining kid around my legs. So I should be able to put a lot of the stuff I used before having DS away for the next few years?
But I haven't got round to it yet.
I'm nervous to try a totally different dish also as DS, like everyone, has his preference in taste, eg, he doesn't like sweet and sour type tastes. He surprised me to have liked the mustard soup we had for lunch yesterday (from a can). He looked so sad when he pushed the pasta away, it's like he really tried but just couldn't eat anymore of the nasty thing
This morning he woke at 6:25, and kept talking about eating, yummy, pb, milk in his talk
so I'm not sure if he woke from hunger!