Hi there. I need fresh eyes on DSs kind of routine bc I'm struggling with few issues and can't figure them out of my own.
DS is spirited/textbook, BW since day one.
For months we had naps issues just to notice he has low sleep needs (at 5 months it was about 13-14 hours of sleep per day, I don't know exactly what it looks now since I don't keep log anymore).
Usually nights are good no matter if naps were good or were out (and it happens when day is busy and naps short - night is even better).
For two weeks now DS is not nursed at night, for two nights we had kind of STTN (with EW around 5.30)
Our routine is more or less like that:
wake up between 6 and 7, BM
7/8 - solids
1st nap after 3,75-4 hrs from wakeup (it last usually 35 minutes and sometimes 1 hr 10 minutes)
11/12 BM
12/13 Solids
2nd nap after about 4 hrs of A (usually 35 mins, sometimes 1 hr when first nap was short)
16/17 BM
17/18 Solids
18.30/19 bath
19/19.30 BM,
Bedtime - usually independent.
Now, it seems I can't figure his A time (for over a month now

). Until last week he went down for naps independently and fell aslep within minutes - just to wake up at 25,30, 35 minute mark - with no chance to resettle. I guess bc of UT and increased A times bit after bit to get to 4hrs, but decent nap happened only once. Just to mention DS showing no sleep clues or too subtle ones, so reading him is extremely hard. Most of times I go by the clock.
But from last week naps are garbage. Puting DS for nap is real battle. Lots of crying, arching, standing up. And naps ends at 35 min mark with no chance to resettle (TBH DH sometimes manages to resettle DS, but I can't).
What changed lately is no feeding at night and resettling by DH so I guess SA can be some reason of this, but I don't know really.
The top of all are EW that happening more and more often, but I don't know if it's matter of OT (I doubt it - all DS's life i was worried if he gets OT and it comes out he is UT

) or clustered naps or last nap too close to bedtime or teething or cutting of NF. Phew...
DS is currently teething and I'm giving him paracetamol and camilia but honestly, don't see much difference.
Please, someone help me figure him out bc I'm already really tired and upset with all this poor naping and then juggling with rest of day.