We had lots of issues with nw and ew but thanks to a short c/n in the am and a longer pm nap all that has cleared up , LO is sleeping 12-13hrs at night waking up happy and ready to go at around 6:30-6:40am everyday. Now she has refused a cap nap and went down to 1 nap a day it was 1.5-2 hrs then BAM went down to 1 hr which resulted in a early bedtime(5:30-5:45pm). Today she only slept 25 mins woke up freaking out would not go back to sleep. I know that 1 hr isn't enough as she wakes up after every nap crying and freaking out, whinning for at least 45 mins after she gets up then bouts of meltdowns for the rest of the day, it's wearing me right out. APOP works less then 20% of the time and as we are into another cold snap taking her out in the stroller isn't a option, (I don't own a car either). Here is our EASY for the last week-week and a half:
6:30- wake up
6:45-cup of milk-4oz
8:00- breakfast
11:00-bed(asleep in 5 mins)
1:00-snack and milk
5:00-oatmeal and 4oz cup of milk
5:30-bed(asleep by 5:45pm)
I would like a 2hr nap so bed could be later and the morning could start later too!!