I don't even know where to start. I have lots of concern and questions. I am beginning to feel pretty desperate for routine and sanity at this point. I need advice so badly!
My son turned 16 months today actually. I'll admit I haven't been successful or all that consistent at keeping a routine with him. I would try, then he would resist and resist, and or get sick and throw things off track. It's just never worked for me. But I am feeling pretty desperate for some sanity and also some "me" time.
Our days vary SO much. Here is an average day.
Wake at 9am. He cries until he gets a bottle. I'd like to feed him breakfast when he first wakes, but he won't eat, he just wants a bottle
Usually play until nap time. However, this is my most stressful, unhappy time b/c he is most unhappy in the morning and will be SO needy! he usually won't let me get anything done and most definitely hates it when I sit at the computer and I am not giving him attention or holding him. He is hard to please in the morning!
Naptime is always different, but I will count 4 hours from when he woke and put him to bed. (half the time he won't fall asleep, sometimes he will and won't fall asleep forever.) he always sleeps a different amount of time 45 min-2 hours, etc. It's always different.
Wake from nap, then lunch, then play.
I haven't been giving him a second nap, but I haven't been sure if he needs another. Sometimes it seems he isn't tired at night if he has 2 naps, but I'm not sure if it's b/c his 2nd nap was too late.
We don't have a night time routine. But it involves dinner, sometimes a bath if I'm not completely exhausted yet, bed. Bed is anywhere from 9pm - later.
I'd like to get him to bed earlier so he can wake at more like 8am (or even 8:30) ideally.
First off I'm not sure how much approximate night sleep-time and nap-time I should expect a 16 month old to get.
Are there some 16-month old EASY routines I can look at? (I wasn't sure where to find them).
He'll usually resist nap-time and sometimes he'll cry when I put him to bed at night. How do I know if he is tired enough? What to do if a 16 month old resists nap/bed time?
When you get a routine going, and they usually wake up at 8am, but one morning they wake up at 7 (or whatever time), do you go off of your normal nap-time schedule or go off of the 7am time and change everything for the day?
Night wakings. Is it normal at all for a 16 month old? Much of the time he'll be ok, but maybe 1/4 of the time he'll wake and only want a bottle of milk. He won't stop unless he gets it.
And any advice for weening and child off of the bottle? He is VERY attached and I want him to focus more on getting nutrients from his meal time.
Is there a place that all of the acronyms are listed with the definitions. As I have read through, I am so confused at all the jargon!
(Sorry I have SO many questions!!!)