First I want to give you some {{{HUGS}}} sounds rough.
I also want to say I did not get a very good EASY going before 8wks with either of mine and it really took until 12wks to really get something good going.
Having said that-you look pretty good. The most important thing at this point seems to be keeping an EAS routine and you are doing that. You also are keeping A time right around 1hr which is also good.
The only thing that pops out at me is the you are doing her bath and BT quite late in respect to your day. If she is waking at 6 we would have you shooting for her BT to be 6-630 pm so something like this:
A 500 Feed
545 bath/BT routine
615 last cluster feed
S 630
DF @ 1000 or sometime between 9-11
Here is a link to common routines around your LO's age. You are coming up to a point where you could up A time by 15 min, but the rest of your day looks good and 2NW at this point is good too so I would not muck to much.
Also, the time frame you are talking about is the peak colic time and if you are already suspecting gas. If I remember right (and I honestly can't believe I have forgot already) but colic peaks at 6-8wks. (DD had it awful, maybe I am just blocking it

So I am not sure if this helps you, but it at least gives you some things to think about and also some things to try.
Let me know what you think!