Back story quickly
DD#1 reacted a few times to prunes, stawberrys and sauces on her face (reaction i now know can be typical of salicylates which i didnt know at the time haha)
DD#2 is mpi lactose intollent and deffinatly unable to tollerate tomatoes because it gives her a bad stomach and same reaction as DD#1
DD#3 who I am doing the ED for...
Alyssa is 3 months old not doing too grand, bad reflux, mpi and i am sure something else is effecting her stomach, she also is not doing so good at gaining weight, stayed stationary for a month then gained a bit then lost a bit.
She is mix fed main breast with 1-2 bottles of nutramigen made to a 15% concentrate instead of 13% (under the dietions advice)
oh and I just found out husband was allergic to salicylic acid as a child which he has subsequently grown out of (only when i was looking things up today did he say "yeah i was allergic as a child" lol )
Ive found alot of conflicting information
I'm on a diet now to loose weight so i really need to find out mainly what fruit and veg I CAN eat
Erm yeah so please help me any advice on what I CAN eat will be great, I think I'm going to eliminate high sals first and see what happens and im dairy free too