Thanks for getting back!
I could do a toddler gate. The stairs are right at their door so the gate is already there. I'd just have to move it over. I just have a fear that if I don't hear them when they get up they'll wake each other for sure before I can get in there yk?
There are absolutely zero toys in the room save their teddy's that they sleep with. I've even taken the knobs off of their dresser so they couldn't take their clothes out or, even worse, use the drawers to climb up on and jump all across the room lol. I've got THOSE kids
I'm probably going to have to do white noise for my 9 month old. Even I disturb her as I sleep in her room trying to deal with her NW's. It would probably help quite a bit.
Bedtime is usually 7pm. I say usually as if they've been up earlier than 6am, I bring it back 15 mins or so. Last night was 645pm as they we're up quite early, but we had an earlier morning this morning.
I'm not sure if pt'ing them is making things worse. It is new as we went to underwear 2 weeks ago and they're pretty well dry during the day but we've not tackled nighttime yet and I'm sure they're becoming more aware of their bladders. But saying all that, EW's are nothing new in this house.
I think that they really are low sleep needs kids, but 10 hours doesn't seem enough for them. They really do seem tired.
It just seems with two of them in there that there's an added element that I can't get past kwim? Need some creativity on this one!
Thanks again! I haven't had more than a 5 hour stretch of sleep in well over 18 months and it's getting a little old now