11 weeks..she's still really small to be on a 4 hour EASY. So yes, 3-3.5 hours is best. I would still want to do 3 hours.
This link is a good refresher:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=63161.0Is she in any discomfort, you find, while she's eating? When she wakes at 1 hour is she happy/crying?
I can't imagine how limited your time is for sleep training and such with other children! Do you have any help?
Could you post your EASY in terms of
E - what time she wakes, what time she eats
A - her activity, what she did, this incl eating
S - how long she slept for, any wake ups, did she go back to sleep
Is she swaddled? Pacifier?