Author Topic: Keeping to 3 hour schedule or leave nap?  (Read 673 times)

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Offline Little_L

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Keeping to 3 hour schedule or leave nap?
« on: February 06, 2011, 15:36:58 pm »
Hoping for some advice for a first time mum, just getting to grips with EASY now LO is nearly 8 weeks old.
DS has been feeding every 3 hours since about 2 weeks old but naps are a bit of a nightmare at the moment! Have been APOP to get him to sleep in day as was really bad in the evening if he hadn't napped at all. Have got him down for the first time in his moses basket today, he settled for 20 mins then woke so used ssh/pat to get him back down which he did after 30 mins but now he should have fed 45 mins ago but didn't wake him as so unusual for him to nap this long. When APOP would normally wake around feed time anyway.  ???
So query is, should I have woke him for feed after 3 hours or should I let him get his 1.5/2 hour nap?
Thanks in advance!

Offline empowered mama

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Re: Keeping to 3 hour schedule or leave nap?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 15:32:31 pm »
hi there and welcome to the boards :)

I just want to affirm that 8 weeks is so very young, and that often it isn't until the 3rd or 4th month until a solid EASY routine can be established.  Just wanted to say that it's okay to not follow it so rigidly in these beginning months :)

That being said, I personally think that letting your LO sleep would have been the better option since you are working hard towards independent sleep and preventing him from getting OT (overtired).  Unless there is some other reason that mandates he be eating on a very strict schedule, such as low weight gain, etc, then I would let him sleep as he takes it.

Just my 2 cents though! ;)

Offline Little_L

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Re: Keeping to 3 hour schedule or leave nap?
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 12:37:55 pm »
Thanks empowered mama. I did end up waking him after 4 hours as HV advised not to leave longer than that between feeds during the day but he really wasn't happy about it and didn't feed very well so decided in future will leave him sleep! His weight gain has been very good so he obviously lets me know when he's hungry whether awake or asleep! :)

(Not an E.A.S.Y. query but can you tell me where to go to get those cool time line things where you add the age of your LO etc. like you have above?) Thanks very much.

Offline empowered mama

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Re: Keeping to 3 hour schedule or leave nap?
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 14:12:37 pm »
Not an E.A.S.Y. query but can you tell me where to go to get those cool time line things where you add the age of your LO etc. like you have above?

:) You can just click on my box and it will take you to and following the instructions to get the ticker you prefer :)