Hi all,
My daughter is 5 months old and has now gone from a 3 hour routine (6oz formula) to a 4 hourly (7oz formula). She has never been a great napper.
Her routine is now all over the place, she's gone from having 3 short naps to two short naps and is wanting to go to bed now at 5.30pm, please can someone help, I am thinking of weaning her shortly if this helps.
Old routine was -
7.30 - Feed
8.45 ish - Nap
10.30 - Feed
12 ish - Nap
1.30 - Feed
4 ish - Nap
4.30 - Feed
6.45 ish Last bottle and bed
Routine so far is -
7.30 - Feed
9.15 ish - Nap
11.30 - Feed
1.30 ish Nap
3.30 - Feed
5.30 - She becomes really tired and crabby at this point, (tonight we started her last bottle at 6pm)
6.15 ish - Last bottle and bed
She has started to wake during the night too, around 3am, not sure if this is because she's trying to roll on to her side.
Thank you