Author Topic: "A" time on 4 hr EASY  (Read 923 times)

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Offline DaniLuka

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"A" time on 4 hr EASY
« on: February 07, 2011, 15:51:30 pm »
My 4 mo old has been ill and we're trying to get back on track. He was on a 3 hr easy, but is 4 months now so I'm transitioning to a 4 hour. Throughout his illness we've developed some bad habits and the EASY & night time sleep are totally out the window.

When his naps are short, I am trying to extend with PU/PD. Sometimes he falls back asleep and sometimes not. My question is: When do I put him down for a nap again if he takes a short 45min nap when a longer nap was scheduled. He can only really handle 1.75-2 hr awake time.

So for example
E 7am
S 9am - 9:45 (short nap that could not be extended by PU/PD)
S -- scheduled for 1pm to keep on a 4 hour EASY.
Do I keep him awake until 1pm or do I put him down at 11:45 instead (2 hours of awake time). Then if I put him down at 11:45 this totally screws up the EASY in the late afternoon which affects bedtime. But if I keep him awake he'll get very overtired and it will affect his early afternoon nap.

What do I do?

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Re: "A" time on 4 hr EASY
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 18:53:51 pm »
Hi Danielle,

When do I put him down for a nap again if he takes a short 45min nap when a longer nap was scheduled.

You will want to reduce the following A time by say 15-30 minutes, depending on your LO, and this will help prevent your LO from getting OT.  So if he wakes at 9:45 maybe shoot for another nap at 11:15/11:30.  Hopefully by doing this you will get a longer 2nd nap and can rebound the day.  

HTH :)