So DS is now 13 mo...we've been doing set nap times with him since he was around 8 mo & these have worked pretty well (bar illness/teething etc).
Our current routine is something like the below:
WU: Between 6am-7am (it had been around 6.30/6.45am but WU's are starting to get earlier...)
Nap: 10am - 11.30am (1.5hrs pretty consistently)
Nap: 2.45-3.45pm (1hr usually)
BT: Around 7pm
So I'm thinking that he's now maybe getting too much DT sleep (usually 2.5hrs total). He's still going down ok for naps but he's taking longer to settle at BT (babbles away) & his WU's are getting earlier (around 6am or a bit earlier). At the moment that's still between 10.45/11hr night which I know isn't a disaster but I want to stop it from becoming earlier & earlier to so avoid getting back into an UT/OT loop which always takes him ages to get out of
! We haven't been hearing a peep out of him once he settles at BT until he wakes so I'm thinking he's UT.
I'm trying to get my head around cutting his nap &/or later BT. Maybe cut the PM nap back to 45mins but not sure what do do with BT?
Any new eyes would be appreciated!