Thanks, this is what today has been like which is pretty typical for him.
8am-8:30am feed
10am sleep
12noon feed
1230 was awake and alert but once in his car seat on the way to tesco he fell asleep, he then was dozing on and off whilst at my parents.
3pm-3:15 feed
unsettled and whinging
5:15-5:40 feed
unsettled and whinging
6:30-7:10 feed
fell asleep straight away after feed, still asleep now at 8:30
from now I expect him to wake again at 9ish for a feed then straight back to sleep, then wake again at 11-12ish, then wake again at 2-3ish and then unsettled and waking every hour or so until 6/7am
He is so awake and alert now, particularly in the morning, I put him down for a nap as soon as I see his sleepy signs, should I be putting him down sooner if he has had enough A time?
He does have a dummy and yes he is swaddled most times I put him down.
Its just hard to know exactly where he should be since he was prem. The nurse told me today not to expect him to be doing things at the same time as a term baby but also not to treat him as if he is only 3 weeks old because he's much further on than that.