Author Topic: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline summerrose

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7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« on: February 08, 2011, 19:22:51 pm »
I'm having major trouble trying to figure out DS EASY.  Here's how yesterday went:

A - 7:10 am
E - 7:40 am BF (solids at 9:00)
A - 2 h 35 min
S - 10:05 am (1h 5min)
E - 11:40 am BF (solids 1pm)
A - 2h 55m
S - 2:00 pm (1h)
E - 3:30 pm BF
A - 4h 30m!!
E - 7:15 pm (falling asleep at breast, obviously!)
S - 7:30 pm
1 nightwaking to BF anywhere between 3-5 am.

Awake again this morning at 7:10 am.  He wakes for the day anywhere between 7:00 am and 8:00 am.  I can't figure out why the 1 hr naps.  For the first one, you'd think UT, but just 3 days ago he took a 2hr nap at that A time!  I seem to recall that I may have fed him shortly before, so maybe he's waking after 1 h due to hunger?  And clearly his final A time is waaaaay too long, but he won't take a catnap and it doesn't seem to interfere with his nighttime sleep.  I'm SO confused!  He sure is a tricky one!  At this age, DS1's nighttime sleep was horrendous but he was taking two 1.5 hour naps and our days were consistent.  I also have trouble with spacing of feeds on 4 hr EASY if A time is 3 hours.  Any thoughts? 

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 03:19:25 am »
Hi there
Let's see if we can't figure this out.  Here is a link that may be helpful
and another that might help too

So before I say anything, I also want to clarify, A time is eyes open to eyes close (so think more like Awake time instead of Activity time) so for your EASY your first A is 2hrs 55min..correct? and the next would be 2hrs 50min?

Also, at this point, you are not always EASY, it is ok to have AEAS EAS ro some other mix.  You just try to make sure you aren't feeding to sleep regularly

So let me know what you think...bc I think he may be UT, but I want to make sure I am reading your log correctly :)

Offline summerrose

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 04:56:28 am »
Ah!  Sorry!  I knew I should have written it down instead of just going off the top of my head  ???

First A was definitely 2h 35 min so:

A - 7:10 am
E - 7:40 am
S - 9:45 am (1h15m)
Then the rest of the day is the same, so his second A time was 3 hours.

I've tried shorter A time, longer A time (we then get 35min OT naps), but his nap lengths just seem so random.  I almost think I'm pushing his A times too much as he's always been on the low end and not too long ago was taking a good nap after only 2h15m.  He's been refusing the evening catnap for awhile now so I've tried to extend his A times to lengthen out the day.  I'm sure it will all fall into place, I just wish things were a little more consisent.

Oh and today was almost identical to yesterday.

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2011, 05:16:13 am »
or the first one, you'd think UT, but just 3 days ago he took a 2hr nap at that A time!
They can change quickly almost seems like overnight sometimes. 

Are you having any issues with teeth??

If not,  I am thinking you may need to try to extend the first A time.  Honestly you do not seem too far off.

I do think at this point topping up before naps is not unheard of. How much of the solids do you think he is getting?  Have your tried to fit a dinner in there as well?  Have you tired to move the cals from your last NW into day cals?  Are you trying to get rid of the NW by settling, or do you go straight to the feed?

 I also am thinking his BT might be a touch on the late side bc you are still trying to fit in the CN.  (Check out the link above)   I think you can also try for an early BT if his days are too long without the CN but not long enough to make it a full 12 hr day.

What do you think?

Offline summerrose

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2011, 16:03:45 pm »
It seems like he's been "teething" forever, but none have cut through yet!

That sounds like a good plan.  I will try extending his first A time today.  Should I aim for about 2h45m??  I think last week I tried 2h45m and we had the 35 min overtired nap, but maybe he'll be okay with it now?  I'll also try topping him up about an hour before he goes down and then aim for feeds every 4hrs from then.

I just looked back at the last log I made, Jan. 26th he was taking a 1.5-2hr nap after 2h20m first A time and a 1.5 hr nap after 2h40m second A time.  Then he dropped the catnap and we've been all over the place since.  I will start writing things down again for a few days so I can keep better track.

We're pretty much doing BLW so I'm not sure how much of the food he's actually swallowing.  He sometimes gets dinner, othertimes he just gets a rice cracker to munch on while we eat.  I haven't been too worried about the nightfeed as he's genuinely hungry by that time.  It also seems he can't go more than about 4 hours after that feed without eating again.

I will try an earlier BT too if today goes the same.  It's tricky because DH doesn't get home until after 6pm so dinner is about 6:30pm, but I will see if I can get him down by 7:00pm.

Offline summerrose

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2011, 19:22:02 pm »
Update on this morning:  He went down after 2h45m and I had to wake him after 2 hours  :)  I meant to keep him up a few minutes longer even, but he fell asleep almost instantly after I put him in the crib.

Should I aim for 3hrs A time before afternoon nap or a little more?

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2011, 22:05:15 pm »
GReat development!!  I would think that sticking with 2.45 first A is a good start.  3 hrs second A seems reasonable for a few days to see how things play out.  After a change of A it can take a few days to really "sink in"

Give it a try and I would just shoot for an earlier BT if it seems like he is getting OT or has all short naps.

:)  Sarah

Offline summerrose

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2011, 23:08:56 pm »
Thanks Sarah.  His pm nap was only 35 min, which usually means OT, but I have a hard time believing he was OT after 3 hours A time after a 2h nap.  Should I try increasing his second A time tomorrow if he takes a good am nap?

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2011, 23:20:50 pm »
I think I might.  If you go slow you can then really watch for the OT.  You seem to be in tune with your LO and that will be helpful.  After the increase tomorrow, I would hold tight for a few days and let it work its magic to make sure you do not get OT.

Good Job Mommy!!

Offline summerrose

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 02:58:15 am »
Hmm, now I'm confused again.  We stuck with the same first A time (2h 45m) and he had a 1h15m nap.  I'm perfectly fine with that, but why 2 hours yesterday??  And another 35 min pm nap ???  Here's our EASY from today:

A - 8:00 am (had to wake him, we had an extra nightwaking, I had to settle him and then he chatted to himself for 30 min)
E - 10:00 am top up
A - 2h45m
S - 10:45 am (1h15m)
E - 2:00 pm
A - 3h5min
S - 3:05 pm (35 min) This one I'm thinking was OT as it took him longer to settle.
E - 5:30 pm
A - 3h50m (overtired at BT for sure)
E - 7:15pm top up
S - 7:30 pm

I'm having trouble getting him to bed any earlier since dinner is later at our house.  Any thoughts/advice as to what we should try tomorrow?

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Re: 7 months - Nights good, but EASY all over the place!
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 03:29:54 am »
Sometimes it take a few days for the new routine to set in.  I would stay put and not muck around too much or you will be trying so many things you won't really know what is working and what is not.  You also have to remember just bc you do everything perfect, does not mean your LO always gets the memo! I have know plenty a mom who does everything to the point and still does not get a perfect EASY.

I think you just need to hang tight and try not to over analyze too much.  That was still a good first nap, and if you feel nap 2 is going to be OT, try going down a few min. earlier tomorrow.