It is tricky to work it all out at this age. You can try solids first if you want. I'd still keep the BF first, but what about offering solids 2hrs after BF, do you think she'd be interested then? Keep in mind that breastmilk is actually digested rather quickly, unlike formula which takes longer to digest so formula fed babies feel fuller longer.
Another thought is, I find that whether or not my LO is receptive to eating depends largely on his mood. If he is cranky or tired, he doesn't want to eat whether he is hungry or not. What if you offered solids 30mins after BF? We usually do that and he actually eats well then. It might not be a hunger issue at all, it may just be that for whatever reason she's just not as interested at this moment in time.
Lastly, is your LO crawling or cruising yet? Once she becomes mobile, you can expect her appetite to increase, so you might find that soon enough she'll be keen to eat more solids once again.
Again, just try not to worry about it. Like I said, you can try the solids first if you think it would help. But if you think she BFs best at the times she does now, I'd stick with that because you want her to keep up with that milk.