Author Topic: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!  (Read 1088 times)

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Offline Jacks_mum

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I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« on: February 09, 2011, 17:02:32 pm »
Hello All,

I have a 7 week old boy, I started him on the 3 hour EASY at 5 weeks and all was going pretty well, I wasn't too strict on it as he was still pretty young but I wanted to get some form of routine going. Lift before this had been awful, every evening Jack would spent screaming and we'd end up driving around in tears trying to get him off to sleep. He does suffer with silent reflux which he's got medication for now. I also gave up breastfeeding because of this and put him on Cow&Gate comfort milk, which made a huge difference.

I switched bath time around so that he was having a bath around 6-6.30, into PJ's, bottle, story and in bed for 7pm, I'd then dreamfeed around 10pm and he'd go through until 2.30 sometimes 4am.

This was good for almost 2 weeks, then I think with his weight gain the medication wasn't being as effective, but has now been given a higher dose. Also he went through a growth spurt draining all his bottles, so we upped them to more milk every 4 hours and tried to do the 4 hour EASY, I think this is where everything has gone wrong, he would refuse to sleep in the day lasting only 20 mins before waking, then becoming overtired and the screaming in the evenings has returned.

So today I have gone back to 3 hour EASY, he spent most of the morning awake and has now been sleeping since 1.10pm its now 5pm, he woke at 4.30 an hour late for his feed, but after the lack of sleep for the last week, I thought I'd let him get some much needed sleep, after the feed I've changed him and he's just gone straight back to sleep, he did do this before, I almost used to have to dreamfeed him for his 4pm, he'd then wake around 5.45 for his A time and bath, he'd have his bottle and go off at 7pm no problems.

I struggle with A time as he never really wants to do much, with him being so young still he's not interested in the toys he's go and happily looks around at things in the room.

The other issue we have is he has never like his moses basket, he just will not sleep in it, I think this is to do with the reflux, we've tried propping it up etc, but he just hates it, you can wait until he's fast asleep, put him in and he wakes screaming within 5 mins, so he sleeps in his pram tilted up so he's not flat, but I really want to get him back in the moses though, so any suggestions would be really appreciated  :)

Offline Jacks_mum

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2011, 17:54:12 pm »
I forgot to add that he goes down fine at 7pm for bed, but then wakes after 20-30mins screaming this goes on until he falls asleep again around 9.30, last night he went missed his 10pm feed altogether and didn't wake until 3am!

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2011, 23:16:13 pm »
So with the 20min wakings, I think you are still having reflux issues. That is pretty classic timing for discomfort.  Does he seem worse after feeds?  Have you tried to do soy or HAF?  Sorry I am not familiar with the name brand you are giving him. 

GS can really flare reflux as well.  Also, extra feeds also mean his tummy is working extra so that will lead to discomfort. 

Unfortunately I think you are still dealing with medical issues as opposed to a routine issue.  A hurting baby will not sleep no matter how tired or not tired...I have plenty of experience with that!

Are you sure you have elevated his bed enough?  It is suggested to be at a 30degree angle which is actually very steep.  ( I can post you a pic of a sleeping wedge if you would like)

Also, the fact that he sleeps well at night is also a classic reflux sign.

Offline Jacks_mum

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2011, 08:55:50 am »
Thanks for your reply, we've been feeling pretty lost with it all.

Last night was a good night, he went down at 7pm and there were no screaming fits, so I think the 3 hour EASY suits him better. He still grunted and groaned, but thats much easier to handle to constant screaming.

We have been wondering if he might be lactose intolerant as his symptoms seem to fit that, however our Doctor is useless and just doesn't seem interested, we self diagonosed the silent reflux and asked for ranitadine, which alongside the milk (which is for colicky babies, the protein and lactose has been partly broken down, so therefore easier to digest) Made a huge difference until he got to 6 weeks and had the GS, he's now back to smaller feeds 3 hours apart and no longer draining the bottles.

We have got his pram titled quite a lot, almost in the upright position, so I think he's elevated enough, I may have to invest in a wedge then and see if we can get him back in the moses with one of them. He's just so fussy and loves to be cozy and comfy, his most favourite place to sleep is his car seat!! I think because he feels secure whereas in his moses there is still so much extra space, he has hated it since the day we brought him home form hospital.

We have found that white noise is a great comforter, the hairdryer usually stops the crying and mazing sends him off to sleep almost instantly, so we have recorded it and play this in the rooms sometimes, then come in every now and then to turn it down until gradually it's off altogether.

How long does it take for them to outgrow reflux?? Does it get any easier?? This is our first baby and not at all how we imagined it to be. We hate to see our little man in pain and not be able to help him.

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 15:32:02 pm »
our Doctor is useless and just doesn't seem interested, we self diagonosed the silent reflux
This was me with DD.  I knew from DS she had reflux and luckily Dr was onboard right away with the meds.  She really did not think I needed to worry about MPI...but at 4mo when she was still screaming all day every day I needed to try something.  I noticed she cried after she fed worse, so I cut out all dairy (EBF) and wouldn't you know it 2wks later she never cried and slept like a dream!!  (takes 2wks to get all protein out of system)

The white noise is great...worked great for us as well.

his is our first baby and not at all how we imagined it to be.
Big Big HUGS bc I know this feeling as well.  It all just seems so unfair.

How long does it take for them to outgrow reflux??
Well, DS was off meds at 6mo, but most need meds until at least a yr.  Also, it seems the earlier you medicate, the sooner they seem to wean (this is not scientific, just what I seem to have noticed through other reflux moms)

Ranitadine is VERY weight dependent, so your LO can outgrow a proper dose in 2wks eraly on.  Keep that in mind when things get rough.  There are other meds you can try that frequently moms have more luck with.

Here is a link to a wedge:   Ours had side rails (made by Occ. Thereapist) so it made them feel cozy as well.

Here are some links on our medical boards you will want to become familiar with:

there is another dedicated MSPI link that I will find for you but I have a baby crawling up my leg this minute.

Take a look and tell me what you think

Offline Jacks_mum

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 16:36:34 pm »
So nice to know we're not alone in all this! I will take a good look at medical boards and see if any other advise is on there too :-)

I'm really sorry but what does MPI mean?? I'm guessing Milk Protein Intolerance??

I'm wondering weather to try and Dairy free formula and see if it makes any difference. While breastfeeding I tried cutting out dairy, wheat, gluten spicy foods in the end I ended up hardly eating at all in a bit of a mess, this when we decided to try the comfort milk.

I'm planning on changing my Dr there is another at our surgery who specialises in child health and paediatrics, so I think she might be more helpful.

I'm definitely going to get one of those pillows just need to find somewhere in the UK that supplies them.

The routine has gone really well so far today, but I just can't keep the little man awake for his A time at this time of night, he fed at 4, had nappy change, I tried to play with him, but he just screamed at me, put him in his swing with the lights on and he's just gone straight to sleep by 4.25. Is it still his age?? I don't mind so much because he'll have a bath and bedtime routine at around 6, but he will usually wake before this and is very tired by the next feed and I end up giving it to him early.

Thanks again for al your advise

Teresa x

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Re: I need help with my EASY, all has gone wrong!!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 16:43:34 pm »
I'm really sorry but what does MPI mean?? I'm guessing Milk Protein Intolerance??
You got it right!  sorry should have said

The routine has gone really well so far today, but I just can't keep the little man awake for his A time at this time of night, he fed at 4, had nappy change, I tried to play with him, but he just screamed at me, put him in his swing with the lights on and he's just gone straight to sleep by 4.25. Is it still his age?? I don't mind so much because he'll have a bath and bedtime routine at around 6, but he will usually wake before this and is very tired by the next feed and I end up giving it to him early.
It is still the age most likely.  Your Lo is still really little and a lot of moms don't get a very good EAS until closer to 12wo.  At this point it is all about starting as you mean to go, so not feeding to sleep and avoiding props.

try and Dairy free formula and see if it makes any difference.
It certainly can't hurt to try.  Also, know that soy (the S in MSPI) is the other big offender to bother tummies.  Some mommies go to HAF (hypo allergenic Formula) and you will  need to find more info on that on the reflux boards.  I did the elimination diet (ED) so I have limited knowledge on FF for MSPI.