I chipped in on Tylerbug's thread (Sleep gone crazy) but don't think its fair to hijack it with loads of questions so here I am (again!)
Bram is 26 mths and textbook/angel with spirit now he is a toddler - tantrums happen on and off.
We had a problem with EW just before his 2nd birthday and all you brilliant people helped us out.
The problem now is Bram wakes at 5.47am (for the last week) plus EW from 3 a night to 10 on Sunday
He cries out and gets more vocal if we don't go in. Often he has got himself into a funny position in the cot and is sometimes sitting up. Sometimes he is really upset and it takes a while to calm him. We have tried meds in case it is teething. Don't think he has 2 yr molars yet but hard to see as he doesn't let you look! The meds haven't changed things so don't think he's in pain.Last night he had trapped wind and had to rub his tummy til he fell asleep. could this be the whole problem?
Naps - At home he has 2 hrs (5 days a week) and at nursery he has anything from 40 mins (bad day) to an hour, not usually more.
We capped his home nap for 2 days (1 hr 30 mins) and things didn't change but I'm thinking of carrying on with it. We did early bedtime for a couple of nights and nothing changed
He was doing - Up 7ish nap1.30 to 3.30 at home or til 2.30 at nursery and bed 7pm.
Now - up 5.47am nap at 1 and bed at 6.30/7,
He's pretty grumpy when at home but better at nursery. He loses it but that could be his age?
Any thoughts? Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxx