My LO is 7 months old and has just starting waking at 5.45 - 6.00am each morning.
She goes to bed at 7pm, still has a small dream feed at 10pm and was waking at 7am ish until recently. She doesn't seem to be hungry when waking at 6am, she just seems ready to start the day!
She generally sleeps well at night, but for the majority of naps she will only sleep for 45 to an hour mins with only the occasional 1.5 hour - 2 hour lunchtime nap. However she tends to wake happy from her naps.
Due to the short naps we don't follow a strict EASY routine, however our routine is as follows:
7.00: E - Milk followed by Solids
7.30: A
9.00: S (45 mins to an hour)
9.45/10.00: A
11.00: E - Milk followed by solids at 11.45ish
12:30: S (45 mins to an hour,sometimes more)
1.30: A
2.30ish: E (this feed is sometimes earlier/sometimes later)
2:45: A
4:00ish: S (short nap of 20 - 40 mins if lunchtime nap was only 45 mins)
5:00 E - Solids
5.45: A - Massage / Bath
6.30: E - Milk
7:00: S
10:00: Dream feed
Any suggestions to stop the EW would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance