hi there,
I am thinking your LO could likely use an increase in A time before you put her down for her nap. Oftentimes, sleepy cues can be unreliable and they can give you these cues around the times they are used to going to bed, when in reality they need to stay up longer to be tired enough to take a long nap.
The average A time for a LO this age is 2 - 2.25 hrs so you could shoot for that range regardless of sleepy cues and see if she settle more easily for the naps.
but she also is still waking from naps at the 45 minute mark
My guess for this is that she either needs an increase in A time, or it could be developmental as they often have a hard time at this age making the transition to the 2nd half of the nap. My LO struggled with this and a few days after his 6 month birthday was able to make the transition on his own.
But let's tweak the routine a bit first and see if that helps things