Just jumping in as I wean DD off of her beloved purees

I make just over half of her purees, and use jars when I am being really lazy.
Wake - bottle
Breakfast - oatmeal and half jar of pears, Cheerios
Snack - Cheerios, Gerber puffs, yogurt drops (she screamed for a snack!)
Snack - cheese, chicken, banana (DH and I were eating lunch and she was starving again!)
Lunch - homemade puree of yam/mixed veggies, half of an oat/fruit granola bar
Snack - more Cheerios (this kid must be growing!)
Dinner - scrambled egg with cheese, half jar of apple/plum puree
I have no idea what the heck was with her today - she was eating ALL DAY! She is generally a picky eater who doesn't consume much - must be a GS!