Author Topic: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8  (Read 87947 times)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #270 on: August 16, 2013, 20:53:02 pm »
my DD ate complete cr@p this past week bc we were visiting family. i mean one day they were giving her fruit loops as a snack. i about died but we are back home now.

anyway, we are home and don't have many groceries so slim pickings around here.

eva - my DD often eats more than my 6 year old and then other times she doesn't eat much. i wouldn't worry about. she shd let you know if she is still hungry or not.

emma - wow that banana pudding sounds delish! my DD wont' eat ground beef :(

i am thankful my DD will eat veggies and fruit. she loves blueberries & peaches!

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #271 on: August 16, 2013, 23:02:42 pm »
The ground beef is a recent thing here.  I know she likes beef because she'll eat it roasted or in meatloaf, burger etc but always spat out mince, maybe a texture thing?  But I've offered it every once in a while and the last couple of months she's started enjoying it.

Today has been -
B: the rest of the banana pudding (yes it is yummy!)
L: scrambled egg and asparagus
D: some grapes  ::) wouldn't touch her turkey burger and also refused a yogurt

She's having some BT milk now and I guess that'll be it!

Offline eva026

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #272 on: August 17, 2013, 05:42:56 am »
Mine is the opposite, she'll eat anything out of mince but isn't mad about whole bits of meat, spits them out.
I am definitely more relaxed about her eating though. Good to know how others compare.

B: Porridge with blackberries and milk
S: Slice of cheese and a bit of broccoli
L1: Baked beans, mini meatball, pasta and broccoli again (ate half)
L2: Finished off her lunch
S: peach, cucumber, watermelon
D: yoghurt

The whole recent discovery of utensils helps a lot, she eats so much more with a fork than she did with her hand. Wonder how long it will take for the novelty to wear off.

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #273 on: August 17, 2013, 22:02:36 pm »
Lol, imagining a 17mo drinking soup out of a wine glass!  ;D

Today was a good food day here :)
B: banana pudding (made with banana, coconut oil, coconut milk, egg yolk, almond butter, vanilla, cinnamon)
L: bowl of mince (beef) with tomatoes and cheese
D: veggie stir fry to get rid of some that needed using up
S: frozen blueberries

I'd love the recipe for the banana pudding if you could post it!

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #274 on: August 17, 2013, 22:19:02 pm »
Here is the recipe (can't take any credit for it myself!):

I had an issue with step 1 in that it never thickened, but I threw it all together anyway and it still turned out great :)

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #275 on: September 05, 2013, 19:37:16 pm »
B: porridge with apple
L: cheese  omelette with beans and toast
S: homemade vanilla sponge
D: lamb and veg moussaka with carrots and potato. Raspberries, blueberries and grapes

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #276 on: September 05, 2013, 19:45:42 pm »
B: home made muesli
L: spag bol (3 helpings)
S: carrot (she loves carrots but spits it out after it's chewed), cucumber, plums
D: fishfingers, rice, green beans, courgette. plain yoghurt.

Offline nona

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #277 on: September 05, 2013, 22:49:13 pm »
Yum banana pudding!

B: yogurt, granola, fruit, milk
Snack : cheese & mandarin oranges & goldfish
Lunch : cheesy pasta & pesto chicken
Snack: grapes (cut) & crackers
Dinner : grilled hot dogs (not the junk kind lol)...will be cut into small pieces, apples, sweet potato fries

Offline eva026

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #278 on: September 06, 2013, 10:01:57 am »

B: cereal
S: grapefruit
S: cheese and cucumber sandwitch
S: orange and tomato
L: chicken noodle soup with carrots
D: meat dumplings
S: yoghurt and cheese sticks

Wow, she had a hungry day yesterday! GS prob because she's been waking hungry at night too.

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #279 on: October 01, 2013, 01:44:42 am »
Its been quiet on here! DD had a weird picky toddler day today.

B: Has been skipped a lot recently.  Refused some (delicious!) homemade healthy banana bread
S: yogurt
L: meatloaf, fried mushrooms, an apple
D: 3 bites of the banana bread from breakfast, LOADS of cherry tomatoes!

So only one full meal but at least it was a good one!

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #280 on: October 02, 2013, 02:33:53 am »
eva - goldfish ---sorry, goldfish crackers - very popular kid's snack in the US - little cheezy crackers shaped like goldfish

let's see if i remember from today..

breakfast: egg & cheese sandwich (not sure what else, DH fed her), milk
snack: more sandwich & cherry tomatoes (new obsession)
lunch: bites of spinach ravioli, bites of my lunch (egg scramble w/ tortilla), cherry tomatoes, strawberries
snack: milk, hummus, pretzels
dinner (at restaurant): bites of grilled cheese, green beans, carrots, handful of my salad, slice of tomato, and french fries (she loves them & DS had some so i couldn't hind them from her, i know  horrible!)

Offline eva026

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #281 on: October 02, 2013, 17:18:23 pm »
eva - goldfish ---sorry, goldfish crackers - very popular kid's snack in the US - little cheezy crackers shaped like goldfish

lol,, ok that sounds much better than the alternative. I know they eat guinea pigs in S. America but I'd never heard of ppl eating goldfish.

We had:

B: cereal
S: bits of pancake and granolabar
S: green beans
L: meatball with rice and mushrooms and peas
S: pear, bits of pancake
thats all I think because she fell and split her lip so I don't see her wanting dinner now:(

Offline nona

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #282 on: October 02, 2013, 18:12:36 pm »
today so far:
b: cereal and PB on toast, milk
s: cheese & crackers, water
L: grapes, bites of parmesan chicken, bites of pasta, bites of ham sandwich, milk
i think she had some fruit earlier w/ bfast but can't remember what it was...
snack pm: TBD
dinner: TBD

Offline Emami

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #283 on: October 07, 2013, 01:29:31 am »
The last couple of days DD has barely eaten anything (I will continue to blame teeth until she has them all  :P), but today was much better.

B: Yogurt with honey and cinnamon, apple slices
S: cherry tomatoes (also an obsession here nona!)
L: green beans, a few spoonfuls of butternut squash soup
D: 2 chicken sausages, broccoli, grapes

Offline nona

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Re: What Did Your Toddler Eat Today? Part 8
« Reply #284 on: October 09, 2013, 17:27:53 pm »
emma - love your daughter's name!  DDs amounts vary day to day...

b: milk, mini ww bagel w/ butter, cutie orange and apple
snack/lunch: WW PBJ sandwich, banana, hummus, pita chip, banana
snack (after nap): i'm going to feed her some chick parmesan & noodles (my dinner) so she doesn't eat much junk later w/ DH
dinner: DH is taking kids out to eat so it won't be particular healthy (prob Chick-fil-a); hopefully he will get her fruit and grilled chicken but i'm sure she will eat the nuggets and fries....