Does he sleep in a sleeping bag? That can make it that bit more difficult to climb out. Or can the mattress base goes down at all. I would REALLY advise staying in the cot for as long as possible... it's a hard transition when they haven't got the impulse control to stay in bed. If there's no way to safety-proof the crib, you're going to need to REALLY safety proof his room and probably put a stairgate up at his door to keep him in there.
He does sleep in a sleeping bag in the stroller outside in daycare. With no problems, but he doesnīt sleep in a sleeping bag at home, maybe i should try that, itīs just that he is large, he is a big boy for his age. He is the size of a 2year old:-/
His matrass is low and the edge of the crib reach him to right under his arms. The good thing is, that he uses his legs to get ut, so he didnīt cry much or hurt himself much when he fell on the floor.
I will not make the transition yet, as it makes sense what you say, iīm not ready for it yet, either. Letīs hope it is not something that will turn into a habit :-)
Thanks Anna!