Last week I took DS to see my health visitor for his 6 month weigh-in. My usual HV wasn't there & so I saw someone else.
He weighed 20lb 6oz (9.2kg) and is around the 91st centile. She expressed concern that he's gaining a little too much weight, as at birth he was 7lb exactly & only the 25th centile & wanted to know exactly what I'm feeding him.
He currently has 4 x 9oz FF's per day. He generally drinks around 8oz & some goes in his solids too. So around 32-36oz/day in total.
In addition he's on 3 'meals' a day of approx 2 tbsp each - he has fruit puree with baby rice or banana porridge for breakfast, then veggies for lunch & tea. Sometimes a small pudding of fruit or yoghurt if he seems hungry for it after his veggies. I've given him his first tastes of chicken & lentils in the last few days at lunchtime.
She was horrified that I started weaning at 4.5 mths & that I was giving him 3 'meals' a day already, however I did explain to her that this was after numerous home visits & discussions about how to wean with my previous (& very helpful) HV. She told me I shouldnt be feeding him in the night now & if he wakes to only offer him water, & has also advised me to cut back on his solids in order to slow down his weight gain.
She said I should ONLY give fruit/natural yoghurt for breakfast & not rice cereal/porridge/toast, to give protein at lunch and ONLY veggies at tea. And not to offer a pudding at all. She said not to cut his milk at this stage, although he drinks a lot already, & I do understand that this is because this is where he gets most of his nutrition from.
So this week I've tried cutting the solids back a bit & he's now drinking more milk as a result (draining his 9oz bottles) but he's also been EW again, so I'm unsure whether cutting the solids is making him more hungry at night or if he is having a GS or what. The other thing I can't figure is that if he gets most of his calories& nutrition from milk & he's gaining too much weight, surely reducing his solids (& therefore increasing his milk intake) will make him gain even more???
I've now got a real complex about whether I've been overfeeding him on either milk or solids or both??? I feel like a bad mummy I dont want to make him overweight
But what I've done so far has been completely on the advice of my previous HV together with some backup info from these boards & DS has been loving it. He keeps opening his mouth for more & I NEVER force him to eat his solids - he is completely polishing off what I give him, so do you think I should keep feeding him how I have been doing or do what this HV says & restrict the solids more? I am so confused!

Also I'm a bit miffed at the comments about not feeding at night anymore - of course I'd prefer not to, but if he NEEDS it how can I just give water?

When I told DH about what she said the first thing he said was what was his length? - & do you know what, she never measured him. We did it at home & he was 75th centile so has jumped up the charts in length too. Should I just ignore her comments - I mean can she really say he is overweight without considering his length??? he is both tall and heavy but he looks in proportion to me.
Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. Sorry for the long post!xxx