Hi there,
Is there any particular reason why you want to wean him off completely in one week? Does your work schedule not allow you to keep any feeds at all? Can you keep at least the first feed of the day and the last for a while?
Thought you would also like to see this link -
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=173308 although you wouldn't really be talking about getting your LO on the bottle the basis for the transition is still the same.
Another thing that springs to my mind: does your LO eat well otherwise? At 16months the main source of nutrition for your LO should be solids, so the biggest transition will be in terms of habits and routines rather than nutrition, iykwim.
I woul as buntybear says try to work on one of the middle daytime feeds, offer some milk in a sippy, maybe a cream cracker or piece of fruit (as a snack) as a replacement and see how he reacts, if it goes ok then you can work on the second daytime feed.
Let us know what you think