Sigh. It seemed we were making such good progress, LO was not waking until 2 or 3 for a feeding then sleeping til his normal wake time around 6:45. During the last week, though, there have only been two times he's done that, and he's done a 12:50 wake once. He's been waking crying and not settling without a feeding as early as 10:30. Last night he cried so hard and solidly (almost without pause) that I gave up and fed him just before 11.
Then he was up at 2:35. I waited as he sounded several times like he was crying a mantra cry, but it went on until 3:15 so I went in then.
We suspected teething so last night he had Ibuprofen before bed, guess it did not help. I have to be away two nights at the end of the month and am panicking as DH does not ever go in at night and I was so hoping LO would be STTN by then. Argh.