Thanks Eloise! I know the pumping will increase my supply and exaggerate the problem. TBH, I'm really torn about it b/c I wanted to pump for Ellen since I couldn't BF her and have been using formula for the past 6 mo. I was emptying out the side Milo nursed on after each feed, but that's hard to keep up with with the two of them, and also I knew it was adding to the problem. Now I'm just pumping in the morning when I wake up. Sometimes I get 3-4 but occasionally I get a full bottle for her.
Wow Mary!!! I think I'd probably have given up if I had to feed every 2 hours around the clock for a year!!! Or at least gone to pumping and feeding with a bottle. That's incredible!! Kudos to you!! Thanks for the links, I'll check them out.
Last night turned out to be really great after all... he finally settled at 1030, and I fed him at 11:45, 2:15, 5, and 8. And he slept peacefully in his bassinet! YAY!! Let's just hope that these burping techniques keep working!! Course I've had good nights like this before - sometimes it seems like it's every other night for some reason :-/