Historically J has never been one to nap early - always always a long am A time - but I totally agree he is likely OT by the time he goes to sleep. And that is why he is a nightmare to wake up, and then a nightmare to be around until bedtime.
I do have scope for an earlier nap - apart from preschool days on a monday and tuesday.
My only reservation is he hasn't napped before 1pm for over a year, and we have had plenty of EW periods and plenty of short nights in amongst that. But obviously I am more than happy to try again and see what happens - it could very well be that I have never found the solution rather than that it doesn't work.
Nappies - yes he is holding - then having a BIG warm wet pee - and doesn't like the sensation. He knows he is wet. I can't go up a size though as he is just too skinny. I need a vest to hold a size 4 on, and if he is in a size 5 he just ends up peeing down his leg
. I will look and see if they do any other nights nappies for older kids - but it if often the size issues again.
6 hrs A *may* work - that was his magic number for quite a while - he moved to that pretty fast after switching to one nap.
Yeah - could totally do without this
- more so than the EW I need a toddler that is not tired and stroppy that I can spend some quality time with iyswim? Rather than battling with a howling, whining, mess.
Thanks so much for your thoughts - I will give it a go and see how we get on