My EASY Routine has gone out the window. Initially, I thought I had a good EASY 3 hrs, that was when he was about 2.5 to 3 mths. What I didnt realised what I was making him OT because I thought that when they said A should be around 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hrs, I thought that's how long they should stay awake and only started doing the wind down for his S after that hour, so no wonder he is OT all the TIME !!!
My LO is now 4 mths old and I am trying to move him to EASY 3.5/4 hrs, but at this moment, 3.5hrs looks more promising, however, I had tonnes of issue with my LO's routine.
1) he had erratic feeding at one stage - he was not feeding as much as he used to and from 3 hrly, it because unpredictable, since then my EASY routine was totally out !!
He has now since eating - sort of regularly although not as much - During the day he normally takes about 3oz and for night feeds he can take 5oz. (He used to take 5oz day and night - not sure what has changed)
2) Another feeding issue that he has is sometimes he feed early in the morning between 4-6am, and when he wakes up between 7-8am - he is not hungry - this then again throws my EASY routine out the window as then his day will start with AES - this still happens occasionally - still trying to figure it out how to resolve this
3) He never napped more than 45 mins - this throws my EASY routine to - EASAS - so nowadays I am trying to extends his nap with w2s - so far tried it twice only worked once - the 2nd time I totally woke him up (even though I just gently touched his hair) . Not sure with the w2s as I believe this is a timing issue ? BW suggested that to w2s about 30 mins into their sleep but most of the time my LO wakes up less than 30 mins or within 30 mins so, I am still trying.-Pat shh doesnt work if he already awake, it makes him even more upset.
4) Because his naps are all over the shop and he dont nap regularly and long enough, at the end of the day, he is super cranky and you get is a super stress mom !!!!
5) Just a question, when my LO wakes up in the morning, he still yawns, does that mean he is still sleepy/tired ?? He stir quite a lot during the nite.
So what I am trying to do now is to get him to nap longer, so hopefully I can get the 3.5hr EASY routine sorted out. 4 Hrs, I am not that hopeful.
Sorry, this is just me babbling my issues - dont have to reply if you dont want to. Just that there's so many issues, I have to work with them one by one and everyday my EASY routine is different - it could be EASA, or AES, but NEVER EASY !! hahahahha
Oh well, what to do ?? Just go with the flow, there are times where his feeding and napping times are so erratic, I totally lost it. Dont know when its time to eat and when to sleep... and what you get is a cranky and unhappy baby and a super stress mummy !!!
Thanks for reading ... hahahh