Hi ladies,
One thing I don't get is why the need to drop the CN (but still having it) results in NWs...? Is it because they're getting too much daytime sleep?
Having a nightmare with naps at the moment. No consistency at all. And a lot of the days, only averaging 2hrs tops, split between three - sometimes four - naps. No chance of dropping the CN ever until longer naps...
Have your boys got any teeth yet? Did that affect sleep at all (day and or night)?
I tell you one thing, I am fed up with trying to work out A times and am just baffled most of the time. I've expended so much emotional energy getting worked up about daytime sleeps it's crazy. Part of me just now thinks, go with it. If he wakes up after 25mins, then so be it. I can't make him sleep. Argh.
Clairebear, how much sleep is your little man having during the day? Is he doing 3hrs A yet?