Hey there, My DS will be 11 months on wednesday and has been waking between 5 and 5:30 the past few mornigns and not going back to sleep. I am still tired so I take him in my bed and cuddle and rock him to try and put him back to sleep. It used to work but does not anymore. He has also just started sleeping better at night, getting up 3 or fewer times instead of a million. So my question is, have I spoiled him and he's now used to coming to bed with me (even though he won't fall back asleep), does he feel now that he's sleeping better, he's had enough sleep by 5 and is ready to wake or is it something else?
Here is his "routine" lately give or take 15-20 mins
5-5:30 wakes and we lay in my bed until 6
7:00 bottle
8:00 solids
9:15 nap usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours
12:00 bottle and solids after
2:15ish nap 1 1/2 to 2 hours (sometimes during this nap he'll wake after 45 mins. Sometimes I can rock him to sleep in his chair, other times I take him in my bed and get him to sleep for another 1 to 1 1/4 hours
5:00 supper
6:30 Start of bedtime routine - bath, story bottle
asleep by 7:20-7:30 (He still falls asleep while drinking his bottle)
Thanks for any advice and/or suggestions.