Author Topic: 9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?  (Read 850 times)

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Offline sarahjoy

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9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?
« on: March 08, 2011, 14:39:55 pm »
Hello All.  My lo has pretty much settled into regular nap times during the day, give or take 30 mintues depending on when he wakes up in the morning.  He's generally staying awake 3 hours first thing in the morning, then 3-3.5 hours after his first nap, then after his 2nd nap he's awake anywhere from 3-5 hours.  I'm wondering if we need to try and stretch his awake time in the mornings or just follow his cues?  He seems to be fine when he does the long stretches in the afternoon/evening.  For example last night I tried to put him down at his usualy bed time about 7:00 and he was just awake, happy and talking, he ended up staying up until 8:30, he then usually sleeps about 10 hours instead of his usual 11-11.5.
Here's what happened yesterday:
6:30 A
7:15 E Bottle
8:15 E  solids
9:10 S
11:10 A - this was a long nap, he usually only naps 1.5 hours at the most!
11:30 E - bottle
1:00 E solids
2:00 S
3:20 A
3:30 E bottle
6:45 E nurse, trying to put him to sleep, was wide AWAKE
8:45 S for the night

Offline ~Sarah~

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Re: 9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 05:53:29 am »
First of all *waving* to a fellow Washingtonian!!

So the short answer is is pretty common to start extending A times around this age.

I don't see any big red flags from your EASY.  Your A times are just a hair short and 10-15min can make a difference.  Are his cues pretty easy to read?  Does he seem tired enough when you put him down?  You are having good naps, so all seems good, but maybe your are just getting a touch too much sleep during the day and he is just not tired enough for night.

I guess that is really not very definitive but I think what is going on is you are getting ready for a A time shift and your naps just haven't gotten crummy yet IYSWIM.

What do you think?

:-* :-*

Offline sarahjoy

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Re: 9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 14:49:00 pm »
yeah Washington!  Are there any Seattle area get togethers?  I would love to meet some other BW Moms.  We moved from Seattle to Tacoma in 2008 and I haven't really met a lot of Mom's here.

We were trying to strech out his A times a while ago and it didn't work so well, we got crummy naps, plus my mil has a harder time stretching out his A times than I do, so I'd get him closer to 4 hours on a weekend and then she'd put him down the next day at 3 hours.  So I've kind of given in to her on the A times.  I think his cues are hit and miss, he's a happy boy, so once he starts to get cranky it's pretty much nap time.  But with me he can stay happier longer so we run into that issue a lot.  I'm not sure what to do about that.

Yesterday was the first day that he went down on his own for both naps!  My mil is home with him and she put him down and walked out and he went to sleep.  Which makes me leery of doing anything to his A times just yet.  Luckily T went down easy last night, we took a long bath together and then he went right to sleep at bedtime.

I guess I'm trying to figure out if I need to push his A times?  Is it bad if his 1st A time stays short?  I know once we get into the 2-1 transition we'll have to make some moves but maybe for now it's working

Offline ~Sarah~

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Re: 9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 14:59:50 pm »
So far I have only met 1 other BW here, but I have just met a few more on maybe a get together in the future!

At this point I would say not to worry about pushing A times if they are working.  Even an angel will let you know if it is not working anymore.

Is it bad if his 1st A time stays short?
Nope...lots of LO's have a very short A first then extend as the day goes on and none may be the same amount of time ex. 1st 2.5hrs 2nd 4hrs 3rd around 3hrs.  Each lo is different, you just need to find the mix that works for you.

I think you are doing good by just holding tight for right now.  My Angel/textbook did not even start to have a longer first A until after his 1yr birthday. 

Good luck!!
We should try to do a meetup with the few I know on here!
:-* :-*

Offline sarahjoy

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Re: 9.5 mo do we need to stretch A time?
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 15:06:26 pm »
Thanks Sarah!  I think sometimes I just need to get an outside confirmation :)

My lo is an angerl/textbook baby too so he rolls with all the changes pretty good.