Author Topic: Need advice on how to help naps through milestones (6 months)  (Read 1160 times)

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Offline Smurfette

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Hi there

If this post is more appropriate in the EASY board, then please move it.

This week my DD turned 6 months and has cut her first tooth and learned to roll from front to back (I don't understand how this last milestone could effect her naps, though). 2 weeks ago she discovered her toes and how to hold her legs and rock back and forth on her back.

 Her naps have also been getting shorter (I've also started to increase her A time from 2hrs in the 1st A to 2.10, 2.5 in the 2nd A) and this morning was another 45 min. I left her in the crib as she fussed but it turned to cries. I tried shh/pat but she just started her 'I'm can speak whale!' voice (high pitched happy screams) and then after a few minutes, cries.
I don't want to do PU/PD until I know that it's not her teeth that's bugging her. (On a side note, I did give her infant Tylenol right before the nap, but quite a bit dribbled out of her mouth.  ::) )
(On a good day, she will take 2 naps about 1hr 20 mins and a 30min catnap. WU is 6 30am, bedtime is 6:30pm, DF @ 11pm and she STTN).

I left the room and turned her aquarium on so she has some low key A time in her crib.

So my question is...
a) how do I deal with this if this is going to be my reality for the next little while? I don't want to start AP, nor do I want to cause her more stress if she is uncomfortable if more teeth are coming in.
b) Do I just shorten A times for every short nap?
c) Is there a general timeline how long this will last? If she keeps sprouting more teeth, can I just expect months of 45 min naps?
d) why is she moaning away in the crib in the dark and if her aquarium is on, but now that I've open then blinds up, she is content to lie there and play/babble to  her aquarium? Does this mean that I've done something wrong or is she just more distracted once there is more light and doesn't feel her teeth as much?

Thanks so much for any insight or advice you can provide. I really appreciate this site and have learned so much from being here!

Offline mamatolevi

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Re: Need advice on how to help naps through milestones (6 months)
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 03:40:44 am »
Hi hon! I think you can increase A time a bit - 45 min naps are usually UT. Here are some sample routines:
BONUS - In a little while, your LO will be gearing up to drop the CN, which was a really great time in my house since DS always seemed to resist the catnap!
I left the room and turned her aquarium on so she has some low key A time in her crib
Does the aquarium stay on very long? It could be distracting???? Sorry, I've never dealt with this one so I'm not sure.
This week my DD turned 6 months and has cut her first tooth and learned to roll from front to back (I don't understand how this last milestone could effect her naps, though). 2 weeks ago she discovered her toes and how to hold her legs and rock back and forth on her back.
WOW! All of this stuff is very cool and new for your DD. She is going to want to practice all of her new tricks as much as she can (even in her crib!), they have opened up a whole new world for her. Make sure she practices as much as possible during A time so that the novelty wears off a bit before nap time :)
If it's teeth, medicate as needed. AP as needed, too. Give yourself permission to do this - you're not causing any problems that can't be fixed and you're giving your DD the comfort and security she needs (which is WAY more important than anything else).
Do I just shorten A times for every short nap?
Generally, yes. However, all LO's are different. This is where watching cues is SO important. I know, very vague - but you know her better than anyone. My DS only needed his A time cut by 10 or 15 min after a short nap at that age. Other LO's need more time shaved off.
Is there a general timeline how long this will last?
I wish I could say yes......
The only thing I can tell you for sure is that this will pass soon, all too soon to be honest, they are only little for a very short while so make sure you enjoy every moment and try not to stress. One of my favourite moments on this site was when I had written a post about night wakings and horrible naps, I was ready to throw in the towel and just live in misery, but one special mom on here to me that when the going gets tough, do your best and when it gets REALLY tough, just hug 'em and love 'em. She told me to cherish the NW's because it was alone time that the two of us would probably never have again.  Think of the short naps as 'extra' time to spend together. Sorry, I'm getting sentimental! But you get my point.
Anyway, you're doing a really great job. I see you've been helping other mums on the boards too and that's the best way for us all to get through this!
As a starting point, I'd say increase the first A time for a few days and see what happens. She might surprise you!

Offline Smurfette

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Re: Need advice on how to help naps through milestones (6 months)
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 16:09:28 pm »
Hi Nikki

Thanks so much for the words of advice! Her 2nd nap was an hour and a half yesterday and I made sure she got a bit of Tylenol in her too. We also got her to bed a bit earlier as she has also had a few EWs this week. This morning she woke up at 5:40, but put herself back to sleep until 6:50am.
 I increased her A time this morning so we'll see what happens, but I think the 2nd tooth is about to cut too.

I don't use the aquarium at all during naps, (just when she wakes up, I let her play with it for a few mins) it was more just of a way to occupy her so she wasn't fussing. Yeah, it is too distracting, especially now that she realizes that if she's close enough to it, she can hit the button on and off! ;)

Your last paragraph made me cry. So true, so true! I just get so fixated on her getting good naps and I'm always worried that I will screw everything up and she will suppose to be eating when she's sleeping, etc,etc. Lol.

Thanks again!

Offline mamatolevi

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Re: Need advice on how to help naps through milestones (6 months)
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2011, 21:36:13 pm »
Hi! I'm so glad the second nap went well!

I just get so fixated on her getting good naps and I'm always worried that I will screw everything up and she will suppose to be eating when she's sleeping, etc,etc. Lol.
I completely understand. I was sooooo fixated on EASY at this age. I don't regret it, but I sometimes wish I had gone a bit easier on myself (and DS!). It was totally worth it though!
