My daughter is 3.5 months and weighing only about 12lbs. She is bottle feed breastmilk exclusively and only taking about 3oz a feeding so it seems like she still needs to be feed at night. However she seems tired all day long and I have a hard time keeping her up past 1hour of A. When she does wake up she yawns and rubs her eyes. I thought that by taking away some night feedings she might sleep better and eat more during the day but she doesn't seem to be able to take more than 3 or 3.5 oz before needing to sleep again during the day. My concern is that over the past week of starting EASY and not on demand feeding, she's lost almost .5lb (But is sleeping better and les). Do I need to continue to feed her through the night? She wakes about every two hours but I can usually get her back to sleep with a pacifier.