I have poured over all the boards, props, pu/pd, sleeping, EASY and I have gone terribly wrong with my angel baby. I am really exhausted and never get to sleep anymore. My DS is 20 weeks and DD is 2 1/2 yo and I get so tired that I can't sleep. My DS was sleeping like a champ from day 1. After the 1st week his naps went to 15,20 & 30 minute naps, but he was still sleeping at night. I can't remember how this all started, but I do know where we have been. At 10 and 11 weeks he was sleeping 10-12 straight, then poof 2-3 hour wakings. Ok, a GS, 1 week later and no change, still NW. So I cleverly thought i need to get him to go long w/o feeds at night again to get him to take more in the day, EBF. Worked, but I started using the paci to hold him off. Then we got going again, with every 1-2hour NW. Then more NW, so I thought BF right before BT was a prop, even though he was awake when I put him down. So now at nap and BT I settle him in bed w/ a paci, hoping to carefully wean the paci soon. 5 day ago I could get him to sleep just by laying him down settled, about 25% of the naps and 100% at BT, without the paci. The gentle removal tech then turned my DS into a "paci monster". He clings on to it for dear life and if it falls, even 30 min-2 hours, later he screams out for it. I have gone in after 1-2 hours and it is still in, occassionally sucking. A couple questions, we are on a flexible 3 hour EASY, should a transition? A few weeks ago he seemed less hungry at every feed, but I thought "he must eat during the day or he will not sleep." Is it too late? Can I get my angel back? How?