Hi, would love some advice on whether to go for 1 nap or 2 today. Recently, DD has been on the short side of A times, what with teething and illness. Advice on another thread was to extend her first A time now as I was getting a short nap in the morning, where it had been consistently long. As I went to a toddler group today, it seemed like a good day to start. The day has looked like this:
6.45 WU
11.00: S (So 4:15 A time.)
Nap: 11 - 1.20 (so 2hr 20 mins sleep)
Yesterday her first A was nearly 3hr 25 and before that it was 3hrs, so not really the gradual extension that's recommended.
I thought she'd wake really rested and happy from her long nap but she's been really grumpy. Don't know if the long A was too long for her. Now not sure whether it's risky to push the second A to get to a decent BT. Or whether to do a CN, which she wouldn't take until at least 5.20, if not later. Would make BT very late, especially on a 6.45 wake up. If I went for 1 nap, what A time do you think would be 'safe'. She's susceptible to OT and when I was working on the transition to 1 nap a few months ago, it ended up with OT.
Would really appreciate any thoughts as I'm feeling pretty clueless. Thank you.